Dr Snjezana Soltic

Senior Lecturer

Staff profile

Dr Snjezana Soltic


Senior Lecturer

Teaching area

Electrical Engineering - Electronics, microcontrollers, computer programming, engineering mathematic, clinical engineering.


I am originally from Croatia, where I completed both my Bachelor of Engineering (BE) and Master in Science (MSc) in Electrical Engineering. After gaining my BE degree, I worked in a shipyard as an embedded control design engineer. I arrived to Auckland on the Christmas Day in 1995 and started working at MIT in February 1996.


PhD in Computing and Mathematical Sciences, AUT University (2009)

Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching, University of Rijeka (1994)

Master in Science in Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering and Automation, University of Zagreb (1993)

Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Zagreb (1984)

Industry experience

My industry experience is in the field of embedded systems.  From 1985 until the end of 1992 I worked as an embedded control design engineer in the shipyard “Uljanik”, Pula, Croatia. My main task was the design of embedded systems for welding and metal cutting machines for the car industry. My clients were top car manufacturers (Volkswagen, Citro?n and Renault). Before moving to New Zealand I taught courses in electrical engineering and computer science in the Industrial and Technical School in Pula, Croatia.

I have been teaching at Manukau Institute of Technology since February 1996. Over the years I designed and taught various subjects, and I am currently responsible for the computer programming courses.

Research and publications

My main research interests are in the field of evolutionary computation. I have research experience in biomedical, optoelectronics, computer simulations, imaging, artificial neural networks and optimisation. I have published in internationally recognised peer reviewed journals and conferences and received four MIT Research awards (2005, 2010, 2012, 2021). In 2020, I started focusing on the design of smart building energy management systems.

The most recent publications:

  • B. Parkash, S.R. Tito, M.D.  Ahmed, A.U. Rehman, P. Nieuwoudt, S. Soltic, T. Lie, and N. Pandey (2022). “Challenges Associated with Standardization of NILM Methodology,” 2022 14th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power & Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Melbourne, Australia, 2022, Paper id: 1591.
  • Rehmani, M. A. A., Aslam, S., Tito, S. R., Soltic, S., Nieuwoudt, P., Pandey, N., & Ahmed, M. D. (2021). Power Profile and Thresholding Assisted Multi-Label NILM Classification. Energies14(22), 7609.
  • Tito, S. R., Rehman, A. U., Kim, Y., Nieuwoudt, P., Aslam, S., Soltic, S., ... & Ahmed, M. D. (2021, November). Image segmentation-based event detection for non-intrusive load monitoring using gramian angular summation field. In 2021 IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference (IEACon) (pp. 185-190). IEEE.
  • Tito, S. R., Soltic, S., Parkash, B., Rehman, A. U., Nieuwoudt, P., Aslam, S., ... & Ahmed, M. D. (2021, September). Is Edge Computing the Answer for Smart Building Energy Management System?. In 2021 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP) (pp. 378-383). IEEE.
  • Snjezana Soltic and Andrew N. Chalmers (July 26th 2019). Artificial Intelligence in Light-Source Design [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88094. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/artificial-intelligence-in-light-source-design
  • Snjezana Soltic and Andrew Chalmers, “Optimization of LED Lighting for Clinical Settings,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2019, Article ID 5016013, 8 pages, 2019. . https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5016013.
  • Soltic, S., & Chalmers, A. N. (2018). Prospects for 4-laser white-light sources. Journal of Modern Optics, 1-10.
  • Chalmers, A. N. & Soltic, S. (2016) Experiments in Colour Rendering Assessments, CIE 2016, Australia, Melbourne, March 3-5
  • Snjezana Soltic and Andrew Neil Chalmers, “Optimization of Multiband White-Light Illuminants for Specified Color Temperatures,”Advances in OptoElectronics, vol. 2015, Article ID 263791, 10 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/263791
  • Soltic, S. & Chalmers, A. (2013) Laser-based white light illuminants. ANZCOP 2013, Perth, 8-11 Dec 2013.
  • Soltic, S. & Chalmers, A. (2013) Optimization of laser-based white light illuminants. Optics Express 21(7), 8964-8971
  • Worner, S. P., Gevrey, M., Ikeda,T., Leday, G., Pitt, J., Schliebs, S. & Soltic, S. (2013) , Chap. 35 Ecological Informatics for prediction and management of invasive species. N.  Kasabov (ed.) Springer Handbook of Bio- /Neuro-Informatics., Springer, pp. 565-583.
  • Chalmers, A. & Soltic, S. (2013) Spectral Optimizations of white illuminants under changes to standard observer., pp.1433-1436. IAC Color 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, 8-12 July 2013.
  • Chalmers, A. N. & Soltic, S. (2012) Intelligent spectral design for 3G and 4G light sources, pp. 172-175,  AIC2012 Interim Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-25 Sep 2012.
  • Chalmers, A. N. & Soltic, S. (2012) Light source optimization: spectral design and simulation of four-band white-light sources. Optical Engineering 51(4), 044003 (April 2012)  1- 14 http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.51.4.044003

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