Withdrawals and Transfers
NOTE: this page contains information for domestic students only.
Occasionally you might start studying on a programme and realise it’s not for you, or you might decide that there are other courses that you would prefer to study instead. Don’t worry, it is possible for you to withdraw from your courses.
When should I withdraw from my courses?
It is best to withdraw as soon as you have made the decision. If you leave it too long you might miss out on a refund.
As an enrolled student of MIT, we need to continue to provide you access to the course materials and assessments, until you complete your study, or you withdraw.
We also need to follow a formal process when we withdraw you from courses. Withdrawals are governed by Te Kawa Maiorooro and the ?konga Policy which in turn are written to comply with the Education and Training Act (2020) and instructions from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
How do I withdraw from my courses?
It is recommended that you talk to our Ask Me! Students Services centre as soon as you can. They will provide you with the information you need to withdraw from your courses or transfer to others.
What happens if I don’t engage* with one of my courses?
MIT complies with the Education and Training Act (2020) and with instructions from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) concerning withdrawals.
*For withdrawal purposes, Te Pūkenga defines lack of engagement as a student having not attended class at all (including those held online) and not responding to communication from MIT within the withdrawal period. This means that if you attend the start of your course, but stop attending, you will remain enrolled unless you submit a withdrawal form (even if you only attended in the first week). Remaining enrolled means that you’re liable to pay all of your fees, so there is a good reason for you to let us know that you want to withdraw.
If you don’t *engage with your course at all MIT will withdraw you and refund your fees.
What happens to my fees when I withdraw?
The timing of when your withdrawal is submitted affects whether you are eligible for a refund of fees and whether you will incur any academic penalties.
Refunds: If you withdraw from your course within the first 10% (from the start date) you are eligible for a full refund of your fees. To access your refund your withdrawal form must be received by MIT within the 10% dates. Your refund will be returned to whomever paid your fees. If you paid your fees by StudyLink then your refund goes back to your StudyLink account as a credit.
Academic Penalties: in the context of a withdrawal, an academic penalty is a grade other than Pass or Fail that shows on your Academic Transcript (the record of your study at MIT). If you withdraw from your course then your grade is W (Withdrawn) unless you withdraw after 80% of the course in which case your grade will be NC (Not Complete).
Unpaid fees: As part of your agreement with MIT you are liable to pay all course fees. It is important that you withdraw early so that you don’t end up with a debt which prevents you from enrolling again in the future, or worse, owing money to the debt collectors.
When will my refund be processed?
If you’re eligible for a refund it should be processed within 3 weeks of your application to withdraw. This excludes withdrawals on exceptional grounds as these sometimes require more information.
How do I apply for a withdrawal on exceptional grounds?
Withdrawals exceptional grounds are covered in the ?konga Policy. It is important to provide MIT with as much information as possible in your application so that a decision can be made promptly on your case. Our Ask Me! Students Services Centre can provide you with information about how to make this application.