Frequently asked questions

Answers to your FAQs around Disability Support.

How do I register with Disability Support?

Complete our Registration form below and email this to Our staff will make contact once we receive the form.

What disabilities are accommodated?

‘Disability/Impairment’ can be a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more activities such as walking, hearing, seeing, speaking, breathing, learning or working. Impairments include hearing, visual, mobility, psychological, chronic medical conditions, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.

Is my information confidential?

Yes, your information is confidential and cannot be released to anyone without your permission.

I am a current student registered with the Disability office, how do I request alternative test/exam support?

Complete the alternative test/exam form below and email it to

How does a student arrange support?

Drop-in and see the Disability team in NA Block, Dilworth Building, Gate 12, ?tara Road, ?tara.

You can contact the team via:


Phone: 09 968 7668

Viber/text: 027 568 7669

Office hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am-4pm

The Disability team are available at satellite campus via appointment.

Advice for Students with a Disability

Ten musts for students with a disability and/or impairment:

  1. Gather as much information about the programme/course
  2. Talk to us early - email Disability Support to make an appointment before you enrol
  3. Bring to the appointment evidence of disability/impairment
  4. Find out what is available to meet your needs
  5. Be open about services, resources, alternative print formats, examination arrangements you may need
  6. Where possible, talk to current students about the programme (e.g. workload, pressures, etc)
  7. We strongly encourage you to use your initiative to sort out problems with the help of the Disability Support team
  8. Where possible, access computer equipment you may require now and become familiar with it before the programme starts (e.g. assignments must be typed; computers used for research, etc)
  9. Know your rights - for more information go to Human Rights Act 1993
  10. Realising your success will be your responsibility.