Student advocacy and appeals

We have a dedicated Student Advocacy and Appeals Officer who can request an appeal on your behalf should you not be happy with a decision or outcome of a formal complaint.

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We value our students and are committed to providing excellent service. For those times when things don’t quite work out as planned, we are here to help you navigate your way through.

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy means getting support from someone who will help you to understand your rights and responsibilities while studying here at MIT.

How can the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer help you with advocacy advice?

There are lots of policies here at MIT and it can be tricky to get your head around them all and so the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer can help you to understand what they all mean and how they apply to you.  We can help you stand up for your rights and help you to express your views and wishes in a way that you understand and feel comfortable with.


What is an appeal?

An appeal is a formal request for a higher authority to reviews the outcome or decision by a lower authority.

Under the Student Regulations you may be able to appeal:

  • The decision/outcome of a formal complaint
  • The decision/outcome of a misconduct investigation, this includes decisions/outcomes of misconduct during assessment investigations

How can the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer help you with appeals advice?

If you ?nd yourself with a decision/outcome and feel you want to appeal, you can get in touch with the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer. They will guide you through the appeals process and help you to understand your rights.

For more information about appeals, see the ‘Appeals’ section of the Student Regulations.

What things can you see the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer about?

  • If you are unsure of how a policy applies to your situation and you want some clari?cation or advice on next steps
  • You would like some advice or guidance about what rights you have here at MIT
  • You want to appeal the decision or outcome of a formal complaint, misconduct investigation or misconduct during assessment investigation.

You can contact the Student Advocacy and Appeals Officer on:


Raising a concern or a complaint

If you wish to raise a concern or complaint, your ?rst port of call is to contact a Student Support Advisor at or take a look at our Online Student Feedback Form.

Please note the Student Advocacy and Appeals O?cer is not involved in the investigation of concerns or complaints.

If there are serious concerns for your safety or that of another person, please contact Campus Security on (09) 968 7600