Preparing?for University

Course highlights

Higher education is about learning at a higher level: developing skills relating to critical thinking; holding a supported, substantive argument; analysing and using data or sources critically. These are university-level skills but you can work on the foundations of these skills before you get there.

By completing this online course you will be able to:

  • explore the skills needed to do well at university
  • engage with the key skills required for success at university
  • identify with what university lecturers have to say about skills their students excel at or struggle with
  • explore what lecturers value in their students
  • collect top tips for coping with the university learning environment

Key facts

Provider University of East Anglia
Course Type Interactive course
Level Advanced
Pre-requisites No experience needed
Availability Fixed classes. Can view archived course. Can enrol after start date. Regular start dates scheduled.
Certification/upgrades Free. Paid Certificate available.
Duration 6 weeks
Time Commitment

3hrs per week

Assessment Self paced. Assessable requirements for certificate option.
Platform FutureLearn
Registration required Will need to register with full name, email address & password.