Social Work Practicum Information

About Practicum placements

The Practicum placements within the Bachelor of Applied Social Work at Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) | Te Pūkenga are an integral part of the education and training of MIT ākonga (students). The practicum placements have been designed to meet the programme aims and graduate capacities as well as Social Work Registration Board (SWRB) requirements.

Supervised practical application within a field of practice, enable the application of theory to practice. Fieldwork placements provide ākonga (students) with opportunities to develop their practice with integrity and professionalism (Tikanga (Pūkenga)) whilst utilising the benefits and ongoing learning available from professional supervision (Mātauranga).

Fieldwork placements also provide opportunities to practice tauutuutu (reciprocity and mutual exchange), for example, through the engagement in critical reflection on individual social work practice through self-evaluation and peer review.

The placements are based on a seven-way partnership between:

  • The BASW practicum ākonga (students)
  • The practicum placement agency
  • The practicum placement agency’s supervisor (the representative of the practicum placement)
  • An External Supervisor (for the Year 3, Practicum placement one only)
  • The MIT | Te Pūkenga BASW Practicum Team
  • The MIT | Te Pūkenga dedicated BASW fieldwork educators (academic staff members assigned to support the practicum placement ākonga (students))
  • Social Work Registration Board.

Why be a practicum agency?

Practicum placements form an essential connection and partnership between social work endorsement and the community. Placements provide ākonga (students) with professional practice experience and seek to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills needed for employment in social services, schools, non-government agencies, government agencies and health services.

When do our ākonga (students) complete practicums?

?konga (Students) complete practicum requirements in the third and fourth years of the BASW Degree.

The placements are designed to provide ākonga (students) practical skills and experience in understanding agencies and systems, developing awareness of professional roles, collaborative practice, working with clients, professional practice, assessments, records, referrals, presentation of work, and effective use of supervision.

What is required from a practicum agency?

The practicum agency is required to have a set of practicum placement documents with MIT | Te Pūkenga – signed by the internal supervisor. You can contact the BASW Practicum Coordinator for support with this.

Additionally, MIT | Te Pūkenga requires that all placements are formalised between the agency and MIT | Te Pūkenga. The ākonga (student) signs individual placement agreements, the fieldwork educator and a practicum team member.

Criteria for a Practicum Placement Agency

The purpose of Practicum placements is for ākonga (students) to gain experience in professional social work / social services practice within social services, schools, non-government agencies, government agencies and health services. It is, therefore, important that placement agencies can provide a practicum experience based on the following criteria:

  • Prepare, support and develop appropriate learning opportunities
  • Provide an induction/orientation period over the first week of placement
  • Ensure a safe and supportive learning environment during the placement
  • Liaise between ākonga (student), placement environment and MIT
  • Monitor all aspects of ākonga (student) performance during placement
  • Within the three weeks of the start of placement, will complete and finalise the placement contract document in discussion with the ākonga (student) and the Fieldwork Educator
  • Provide/oversee an induction/orientation period over the first week of placement
  • Ensure supervision occurs as agreed in the placement contract
  • Provide formative feedback regularly to the ākonga (student)
  • Oversee the placement and ensure that the ākonga (student)'s safety is adhered to and that the ANZASW Code of Ethics and SWRB Code of Conduct are followed
  • Discuss and complete the placement report with the ākonga (student).

?konga (Students) responsibilities

  • Keep communicating and, at all times conduct themselves professionally and with good faith
  • Take a whole part in completing the placement contract within the first three weeks of placement commencing
  • Take personal responsibility for learning whilst on placement, including adhering to the requirements of the agency’s policies
  • Be responsible for maintaining contact and communication with the placement provider and their fieldwork educator This includes informing the placement supervisor of any absences and/or requesting any changes to attendance, including daily start/finish times as agreed in the placement contract. Managing the extension process
  • Look to resolve issues by following the resolution of difficulties procedures and commit to placement contracts
  • Maintain and take responsibility for self-care and practising safely while on placement. ākonga (Students) will be mindful of maintaining the profession’s personal wellness requirements (ANZASW). 2008, Code of Ethics, Chapter 3, Section 7.1; Social Workers Registration Act 2003 Section 47 (2) (b)
  • Abide by the SWRB Code of Conduct, ANZASW Code of Ethics, Agency Procedures and Protocol and all BASW placement requirements
  • Placement Handbook and forms, it is the ākonga (student)’s responsibility to keep and submit all original contracts, attestations, documents and sections with the original ākonga (student) handbook. The ākonga (student) must submit all documents onto Canvas.

?konga (Students) Rights in a Practicum Placement

  • Be treated as part of the team in which they are working
  • Receive information, constructive feedback and support, to ensure a positive learning experience
  • Provide feedback to the MIT | Te Pūkenga BASW Practicum Team about the learning experience and support received during the placement
  • Attend supervisions
  • Attend external supervisions (Year 3 ākonga (students) only).

Agency Supervisor Responsibilities

The Agency Supervisor represents the service provider/agency supervising ākonga (students) whilst on placement. They will:

  • Prepare, support and develop appropriate learning opportunities
  • Provide an induction/orientation period over the first week of placement
  • Ensure a safe and supportive learning environment during the placement
  • Liaise between ākonga (student), placement environment and MIT
  • Monitor all aspects of ākonga (student) performance during placement
  • Within the three weeks of the start of placement, will complete and finalise the placement contract document in discussion with the ākonga (student) and the Fieldwork Educator
  • Provide/oversee an induction/orientation period over the first week of placement
  • Ensure supervision occurs as agreed in the placement contract
  • Provide formative feedback regularly to the ākonga (student)
  • Oversee the placement and ensure that the ākonga (student)'s safety is adhered to and that the ANZASW Code of Ethics and SWRB Code of Conduct are followed
  • Discuss and complete the practicum placement report with the ākonga (student).

Practicum Placement Coordinator responsibilities

  • Engaging in a collaborative working relationship with all parties involved in the placement to oversee the overall development of the ākonga (student).
  • Liaising with Agency Supervisor, Fieldwork Educator, and ākonga (student) to enable and assist with the smooth running of the placement. Assigning Fieldwork Educators to agencies.
  • Developing, maintaining and updating the placement database.
  • Monitoring all aspects of placement experience. Coordinating the requirement of ākonga (students) to receive supervision provided by a social work-qualified and registered practitioner.
  • Engaging in the resolution of any issues/conflicts during placement.
  • Distributing and supplying the Agency Supervisor, Fieldwork Educator, and the ākonga (student) with all the relevant material comprising:
    1. Placement Handbook (Online)
    2. Completed ākonga (Student) Profile
    3. Self-Reflection Review form to the Agency
    4. Curriculum Vitae to the Agency
    5. Readings for placement.
  • Supporting placement Fieldwork Educators in the supervision and management of the ākonga (student) during placement. This includes coordinating and ensuring the requirement for ākonga (students) to receive supervision from a social work registered practitioner. And organising the recall day for ākonga (students) and the evaluation/review day for Fieldwork Placement Agency Supervisors and the ākonga (student) at the end of placement.

External Supervisor’s responsibilities

  • Negotiating a Practicum Supervision Agreement with the ākonga (student) and the BASW Practicum Placement Team
  • Discussing with the ākonga students’ placement goals and objectives and how these might be monitored
  • Providing professional supervision regularly
  • Arranging an alternative time if either the supervisor or ākonga (student) is unable to keep a supervision session
  • Providing professional guidance to the ākonga (student) as a social worker-in-training
  • Assisting the ākonga (student) to integrate theory with practice
  • Demonstrating skills of practice relevant to the focus of the placement
  • Advising when a ākonga (student)’s personal concern is beyond the scope of supervision and advising the ākonga (student) to contact the BASW Practicum Placement Team
  • Informing the BASW Practicum Placement Team of any concerns that need to be dealt with before the external supervisor reports are due
  • Critiquing the practical work undertaken by the ākonga (student) during the placement and providing constructive comments
  • Monitoring the frequency of supervision sessions
  • Completing an External Supervisors Report at the end of the practicum, reflecting on ways in which ākonga (student) has met (or not) established goals and supervision requirements as scheduled
  • Speak directly with BASW Practicum Placement Team when serious concerns arise so that the ākonga (student) has the opportunity to make whatever changes may be required as soon as possible.

Practicum requirements

Placement is an opportunity for ākonga (students) to integrate into practice the philosophy of the degree, weave this with their own practice and practice development and engage with community service providers and users as beginning reflective practitioners.

  • Social work Placement Requirements (SWRB)
  • The following programme regulations apply to fieldwork placement.
  • This section has been written following the requirements of the SWRB,

Fieldwork placements are governed by the administrative processes described in fieldwork documentation. The following rules apply for the successful completion of the fieldwork placement practice.

  • Two fieldwork practices must be completed
  • Fieldwork placement must total no less than 120 days, 450 hours for each practicum placement.
  • At least 120 practicum placement days across the final two years of their study.
  • At least two fieldwork practices that occur in differently structured settings (preferably in different organisations to ensure ākonga (students) are exposed to two potential fields of practice).
  • All fieldwork placement practice must occur under the supervision of a fully registered social worker.
  • At least one fieldwork placement practice must be supervised on-site by a fully registered social worker.
  • The final fieldwork placement practice (Year Four) includes an assessment against the SWRB ten core competencies.
  • A ākonga (student) may only complete one practicum placement in their place of work unless they are able to meet requirement 9.7 (e) (1) Where a ākonga (student) completes more than one practicum practice in their place of work, the placement must have:
    • a component or project that provides a significantly different social work experience to their regular employment opportunities;
    • learning goals related to the integration of new skills and knowledge; and
    • a placement supervisor who is not the student’s employment manager or person responsible for their performance appraisal.

It is generally expected that ākonga (students) will work the equivalent business hours of their placement agency or work on a substantial part-time basis. Where ākonga (students) work evenings, weekends, public holidays or some other variation, then BASW staff will ensure that the ākonga (student) has appropriate work conditions and good health and safety arrangements. This is the responsibility of the Placement Co-ordinator.