NZJABR's instructions for authors

Submission guidelines

Prepare two files:

  • The first file (title page) consists of the title of the manuscript, author names and affiliation, the contact details of the corresponding author, up to five keywords and any acknowledgments. Authors must use the NJABR title page template
    • Manuscript titles must be less than 15 words. 
    • Authors names should be shown: Salutation first name last name, name of institution. For example: Dr John Smith, Manukau Institute of Technology.
    • Contact details for the main author: Full postal address, email, phone and fax numbers.
    • Acknowledge the contribution of colleagues, institutions and helpful reviewers.
  • The second file (manuscript) consists of the title of the manuscript, the abstract and the full manuscript including references and any technical appendices (if needed). The author names should not appear in this file. Authors must use the NZJABR manuscript template
    • Manuscript titles must be less than 15 words.
    • The abstract states the major points made and the principal conclusions reached. Ensure that your abstract is interesting and suitable to an audience consisting of academics, practitioners and researchers. Tell the audience what you have found and what the implications are. Abstracts must not exceed 150 words. Do not use abbreviations in the abstract.
    • Manuscripts (excluding references and technical appendices) must be 5,000 words or less. However, longer articles may be accepted by the editor if they are of exceptional quality. More details on how to write your manuscript are below. All manuscripts must be 1.5 line spacing with margins of 2.5cm, on pages of A4 size. All pages should be numbered consecutively on the bottom middle of the page, beginning with the first page of the manuscript.

Writing style

Write your paper in a readable style for a diverse audience which includes academics, business practitioners and researchers.

Do not abbreviate a term unless it is used repeatedly and the abbreviation is helpful to readers. If you use an abbreviation in the text, spell out the term in full when first mentioned, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses; use the abbreviation thereafter.

Keep title and subtitles short. Show headings in text as follows:

  • Heading 1: all upper case, bold, font size 14
  • Heading 2: initial upper case, italics, font size 14
  • Heading 3: initial upper case, font size 12


NZJABR uses the APA6 style of referencing. All manuscripts need to conform to this standard. We strongly suggest that you use a citation manager such as EndNote as this will simplify the formatting of in-text citations and the reference list significantly. If you use EndNote, please select "APA 6th" as an output style.

If you are planning on doing your citations and reference list manually, please go to:

Tables and figures

Tables and figures, each on a separate page, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Each table or figure must have a short descriptive title immediately above the table or figure. The keywords in the title and within the table must be in initial capitals. Place tables or figures at the very end of the manuscript before Appendices, and indicate their positions clearly in the text. If a table or figure has been reproduced from a published work, give the source in full.


Keep endnotes to a minimum and number them consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals. They should not include displayed formulae or tables. Place endnotes at the bottom of the page to which they refer.


Place appendices at the end of the manuscript after tables. Refer to them in the text and number them using Roman numerals. If written by a person other than the author of the main text, enter the writer's name below the title.

Submission of your manuscript

Submit your manuscript via email using the NZJABR title page and NZJABR manuscript templates in MS Word format. Send the two files to

In your email, briefly describe your paper and why you feel it is appropriate for publication in NZJABR. Also, provide a brief statement in your email, stating that its content has not been previously published previously nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere. Where there is more than one author, include an acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly, and that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript. 

Papers that are accepted for publication become copyright of the NZJABR. Authors are asked to sign a Transfer of Copyright form.

Page proofs

The NZJABR editorial assistant will send page proofs to the corresponding author by email. Authors are required to return page proofs with any corrections within three working days by email. Correct page proofs carefully; answer queries in full. The editor reserves the right to make editorial changes before typesetting.


NZJABR holds the copyright of published articles. The authors require permission to use their own original figures or tables in future work, to make copies of their papers for use in teaching, or include their papers as part of their dissertations.

Click here to download the NZJABR Publishing Agreement.